I’ve definitely learned that consistency is hands down the biggest part of losing weight. You have to expect to have set backs and keep going and not get discouraged.
My rule is that I don’t have any restrictions when I go to dinner out, or while vacation. I generally go to dinner with friends one to three times per week. The rest of the week I’m moderately strict, but weight lifting has definitely ramped up my metabolism where I can eat a lot and maintain my weight.
This is a pretty typical day for me rn! It is a weekend day so I’m more lenient than usual in the sense of buying food out, but still pretty standard in terms of what I’m eating.
I could literally bathe in this dressing it’s so good. If you like ranch dressing you’ll like this. Creamy, salty, rich. UGH so good. Kind of sounds like I’m describing my dream man but enough about me.
I’ve gotten a lot of requests to expound upon an IG story that I posted a few weeks ago. Better late than never right? I started getting really into skin care after I saw a tiny wrinkle on my forehead that I can happily report has gone away. Honestly, most of my skin care routine is prob bs that doesn’t do much bc you CANNOT out moisturize a shitty diet and I definitely recommend adding more greens to your breakfast/lunch/whatever before spending a ton of money on skincare. That being said, I like my routine and it makes me feel pampered so I do it.
I love eating Bircha because it contains so many superfoods that you’re hitting basically all of your vitamin/mineral requirements (with the exception of B12). Also low-carb since summer will be here before we know it.
Whoever said "idle hands are the devil's workshop" smacked the shit out of the nail's head. Whenever I'm bored I get into trouble (take that with a grain of salt because my definition of trouble is relatively low-key).
Let's say you are funneling chia seeds like it's your fucking JOB in order to get more calcium. Then you go to your doctor and find out you have a calcium deficiency. WHAT GIVES?
Although this isn't a particularly groundbreaking idea I'm going to track these posts chronologically, so here is post 2.
The post you've all been waiting for! As you can see in the stats posted below, this is how I keep it 100....literally. Just look at all those percentages! I'll be doing a bunch of these but here's my first example. My weekdays are generally a little stricter than my weekends. This is an example for a Tuesday. Going up.
When I heard about this my first thought was 'Oh my God how anal can we get?' If that's you, stay with me.
LET'S talk about this little additive that I believe to be one of the driving forces in America's obesity problem by creating a public who is increasingly finding themselves powerless against their insatiable appetites and thinking it's their own fault.
I wasn’t super hungry this day so this is what I ate! I always listen to my body, so I will have days like this where I’m not eating a ton, and then I have days where I will want like double this.