What I Eat in a Day 5

I wasn’t super hungry this day so this is what I ate! I always listen to my body, so I will have days like this where I’m not eating a ton, and then I have days where I will want like double this.


I had a liter of water with Chlorophyll, Ultima, and Aloe Vera juice. I started with 2oz of Aloe Vera per day and now have 4-6 oz. Benefits include increasing hydration, and it’s full of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta carotene. Then I got my cold brew with SPLASH of soy from Starbucks.

10:30 A.M.

Plant-based Orgain protein shake and liquid multivitamin.

3:00 P.M.

Protein cookie, greens juice, green powder, more Chlorophyll, and my omega supplement. I love this one from New Chapter because it’s sustainably sourced and from salmon. I also just realized as I created that link that I’ve been completed scammed buying it at Whole Food’s for $40.

7:00 P.M.

Amy’s Vegan Ricotta Ravioli which was SO GOOD and I will be purchasing again. Then I had two Goodpop’s!

Multimineral and went to bed!