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Blackstrap Molasses

IF you chronically feel tired your iron levels might be to blame. Ask your doctor for a blood test to get your hemoglobin levels checked.



You could take Ferrex 150 which is a pill the size of a small child, taken daily, with food because it tears your stomach into 1,000 pieces. Not fun.


You could take 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to receive 100% of your daily requirement of iron in a natural, food-based way.  I take mine with some type of vitamin-C rich fruit such as strawberries or an orange as vitamin-C is needed to absorb iron.

NOTE: Depleted iron levels can take months to restore. If your doctor recommends a prescription iron in order to get healthy then by all means do that. It might be worth asking if you could take Floradix liquid iron instead of a pill which I found to be much easier on my stomach. However, for long term results you may need to change your diet so it doesn’t happen habitually.  Adding blackstrap molasses is an easy way to prevent chronic anemia so you don't sleep your life away.